Helios, the Sun God The role he played in Greek mythology According to Greek mythology, Helios is co regarded as the brightest sun god riding through the bright […]
Dance “Samaia”
There is an opinion that the Georgian dance “Samaia” predates the pagan era. The word “Samaia” in Georgian means a dance performed by three, with “Sami” translating to […]
Medea, the granddaughter of the Sun
Greece’s most mysterious and fascinating personage is Medea. She comes from Colchis, the ancient kingdom now part of modern Georgia, and knows all about magic, potions, and herbs. […]
Invocation of Medea to Night, Hekate, and Earth
Ovid, Metamorphoses 7. 192-198 Nox, arcanis fidissima,quaeque diurnis aurea cum luna succeditis ignibus astra,tuque triceps Hekate, quae coeptis conscia nostrisAdiutrix que venis cantusque artisque magorum, quaeque magos, Tellus, pollentibus […]
Prayer of Medea to Hekate
Ovid: ‘The Metamorphoses’ Prayer of Medea to Hekate The Prayer of Medea to Hekate is indeed an invocation through which she seeks to establish linkages between herself and […]