The Goddess Hekate is highly venerated, worshiped with many titles, according to her various characteristics. She encompasses witchcraft, crossroads, and the moon; her names mere odes to the […]
Hekate / Strophalos
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What is Strophalos
What is Strophalos or Hekate’s wheel? Iynx or Strophalos is an ancient Hellenic symbol dated before 2300 b.C. It is an ancient Greek tool for drawing magical energy towards you or generating […]
Hekate / Strophalos
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Iynx or Strophalos: Hekate’s Wheel
What is Iynx or Strophalos, Hekate’s Wheel? The Iynx or Strophalos is an ancient Hellenic symbol that dates back to before 2300 B.C. This ancient Greek tool is […]