

Posted on:

Again about Hecate Hecate is the queen of nighttime, especially the dark moon (those three moonless nights in a row). She represents the hidden parts of ourselves, the […]


What is Strophalos

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What is Strophalos or Hekate’s wheel? Iynx or Strophalos is an ancient Hellenic symbol dated before 2300 b.C. It is an ancient Greek tool for drawing magical energy towards you or generating […]


Who is Hekate?

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Who is Hekate, goddess of witchcraft and crossroads? “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. […]


Prayer to Hekate

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Hecate, Goddess of Crossroads, we call to thee,Mistress of magic, in darkness you guide to our plea.With torches in hand and three faces you bear,At the crossroads, your […]