Invocation of Medea to Night, Hekate, and Earth

Ovid, Metamorphoses 7. 192-198


 Nox, arcanis fidissima,
quaeque diurnis aurea cum luna succeditis ignibus astra,
tuque triceps Hekate, quae coeptis conscia nostris
Adiutrix que venis cantusque artisque magorum, quaeque magos, Tellus, pollentibus instruis herbis,
auraequae et venti montesque amnesque lacusque dique omnes nemorum, dique omnes noctis adeste. 

Night, most faithful to the secret,
and all the golden days with the moon and the stars of fire
and the triceps of Hekate, who began to be known to us
Helper who came and sang and the arts of the magicians, and all the magicians, Earth, you equip with powerful herbs,
the winds, the mountains, the rivers, and the lakes, say all the forests, say all the nights are present.

O Night (Nox), Mother of Mysteries, and all golden Stars (Astra), and you, divine three-formed Hekate, who dost fortify the arts of magic, and you, kindly Tellus, Earth, who dost for magic potent herbs provide, you, Venti (Winds) and Aurae (Airs), you, Montes (Mountains), Lacus (Lakes) and Amnes (Streams) and all you Forest-Gods (Di Omnes Nemorum) and Gods of Night (Di Omnes Noctis), be with me now! By your enabling power, at my behest I bit the mountains quake, the deep earth and ghosts rise from tombs.

Another version:

“O night, faithful friend of mysteries;
and you, golden stars and moon,
who follow the fiery star of day;
and you, Hecate, goddess with threefold head,
you know my designs and come to strengthen my spells and magic arts;
and you, earth, who offer your potent herbs to magic;
and airs, winds, mountains, streams, and lakes,
and all you woodland gods, and all you gods of the night:
Be present now!”

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