Prayer to Hekate

Hecate, Goddess of Crossroads, we call to thee,
Mistress of magic, in darkness you guide to our plea.
With torches in hand and three faces you bear,
At the crossroads, your presence, we humbly declare.

In shadow and moonlight, your wisdom is clear,
In the still of the night, your voice we revere,
Ancient one, from days of yore,
Hecate, we invoke you, forevermore.
Hecate, guardian of the in-between,

At life’s crossroads, where choices convene,
Bless us with insight, courage and might,
Gide us through darkness, with your guiding light.

Hecate, we beseech you,
As we stand of the crossroads of our fate,
Goddess of transitions, of thresholds and doors,
Hecate, we honor you now and forevermore.

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